• Only $12.95 per credit report
  • Straight to your mailbox
  • Companies worldwide
  • Discount with balance

General terms and conditions

Samrate B.V.
Euvelgunnerweg 25A
9723 CV Groningen
KvK-nr: 76699420
BTW-nr: NL 860 757 778 B01

Samrate B.V. and Business Credit Report Online, a part of and trade name of Samrate, provide credit information on companies and persons online 24/7.

Samrate’s mission is: every legitimate invoice should be paid within 30 days.

If you have any questions about our general terms and conditions, please contact us on info@samrate.com


In these general terms and conditions, the following terms will have the following meanings:

  1. Buyer: the party buying a credit report via the Samrate websites;
  2. Activity: everything agreed between Samrate and the buyer;
  3. Agreement: the agreement concluded between Samrate and the buyer or supplier;
  4. Parties: Samrate and the buyer;
  5. Credit report: the product offered for sale on Samrate;
  6. Samrate / Business Credit Report Online: the website on which credit reports are offered for sale.


  1. These general terms and conditions apply to every agreement formed between Samrate and the buyer.
  2. If anything is unclear about the interpretation of one or several provisions of these general terms and conditions, the general terms and conditions must be interpreted in accordance with the legislation and case law in force.
  3. If a situation should occur between the buyer and Samrate which has not been provided for in these general terms and conditions, this situation must be assessed in accordance with the legislation and case law in force.
  4. If Samrate does not always demand strict compliance with these terms and conditions, this does not mean that their provisions do not apply, or that Samrate loses the right in any way to demand strict compliance with the provisions of these terms and conditions in other cases.


The term ‘agreement’ is understood to mean: the arrangements made between Samrate and the buyer about the credit reports and company information offered on the website.

Samrate has the right to publish any credit report bought by the customer on its website free of charge, without needing the customer’s consent. It would do so in order to make this information available to other companies.


  1. If either party wants to amend the content or scope of the agreement, the parties will adjust the agreement in writing and/or electronically in good time and in consultation, insofar as the parties can reach agreement on this point.
  2. The agreement most recently agreed will be binding.
  3. Any additional costs in relation to amendments or additions made will be payable by the buyer.
  4. In the event that the parties fail to reach agreement about potential amendments or additions, the parties will remain bound by the original agreement.


  1. Samrate has the right to change the prices of products or services at all times (see prices stated per product).
  2. After Samrate has received the payment for the credit report, an email will be sent to the buyer automatically, to which the credit report will be attached.
  3. If the buyer does not receive the email with the relevant attachment, the buyer must contact Samrate.
  4. The credit report will be released immediately after the order has been completed. The report will be sent by email straight away.


  1. The buyer understands and accepts that Samrate, in order to provide its products and/or services, uses information based on and consisting of data that is provided to Samrate by third parties or is otherwise publicly available, and that Samrate is unable to check or verify the accuracy and/or completeness of such data. Therefore, Samrate gives no guarantee regarding the correctness or suitability of the data and accepts no liability for any inaccuracy, incompleteness or other flaw in the data it supplies.
  2. Samrate will never be liable for indirect losses, including but not limited to consequential losses, lost profits, missed savings, losses due to business interruption and damage to the honor and reputation of persons, sustained either by the client or by third parties.
  3. Samrate can only be held liable for the direct consequences of willful misconduct or gross negligence on Samrate’s part.
  4. The exclusion of liability under paragraphs 6.1 and 6.2 will also apply in particular to losses arising as a result of the credit reports and other business and personal information offered. The purchase and interpretation of credit reports/credit information will be entirely at the buyer’s risk.
  5. If mandatory law allows only a less extensive limitation of liability, that less extensive limitation will apply.
  6. The buyer of a credit report may disseminate but not resell that report.


  1. All legal relationships to which Samrate is a party will be governed exclusively by Dutch law, also if a commitment is implemented wholly or partly in another country or if the other party involved in the legal relationship is based in another country.
  2. The parties will only appeal to the court after they have made every effort to settle a dispute by agreement.
  3. The competent court in this context is the District Court of Groningen, the Netherlands.



Donna Hines
Donna Hines

Have you got questions about your order? I will be happy to help.